IEDUPHP: Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, U.P


The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, U.P. (IEDUP), Lucknow is a premier Institute and Center of Excellence in the field of entrepreneurship promotion and Human Resource Development. IEDUP was established as the first state level institution for entrepreneurship developmentby the Government of U.P. with initial support of IDBI, IFCI, ICICI, SBI & PNB in 1986.It is an autonomous organization governed by its own Board of Governors comprising senior bureaucrats, bankers, academicians and eminent professionals headed by the Additional Chief Secretary, MSME & Export Promotion, Govt. of U.P.

Centre of Excellence

In its “Industrial Infrastructure and Investment Policy, 2012” Government of Uttar Pradesh has recognized IEDUP as a Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Entrepreneurship and Human Resource Development. In this role, Institute shall organize series of Skill Development and Capacity Building programmes for officials concerned with Industrial Development. Institute will seek professional resource support from other such National level CoEs.


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